Keedac provides mental health support to Aboriginal people from our Narrogin Community Hub.
This program is called the Commonwealth Psychosocial Support program (CPS) and is funded by the Commonwealth via the WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA).

The CPS is designed to:
• Support people with severe mental illness and associated psychosocial functional impairment who are not more appropriately supported through the NDIS; and
• Reduce the avoidable need for high intensity, acute health services and promote the effective use of the health system.

Our team aims to help people overcome mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, so they can improve their life. Ways we do this include:
• Home visits and phone support
• Assisting clients with referrals to GPs or other health specialists as needed
• Communal support groups held weekly in our Community Hub, including Men’s’ Groups and Women’s’ Groups, where people can talk in yarning circles
• Events at our Community Hub designed to help clients develop a positive attitude and focus on the future, through visiting speakers, online presentations and training courses
• Arts and crafts events designed to encourage positive activities and group interaction.